Our one passion is Jesus, our life goal is to grow in love for God and holiness, and our vision is to raise up intercessors in this generation to contend for revival, missions, and the return of Jesus.
Our mission statement is simple: raise up a house of prayer that contends against every other house.
We desire to stir prayer and fasting, and contend for another Great Awakening and Student Volunteer Missions Movement. Our heart burns for the youth of America to realize its purpose in the Great Commandment, unto its destiny in the Great Commission. Our ultimate hope and longing is to usher in the return of the King.
thecall | SAFA
In the Fall of 2014, we felt led to go down to Pasadena to labor with TheCall and fulfill the dreams of a father. We have the privilege of joining a dream team and building SAFA - the Spiritual Air Force Academy, with a vision to send fasting and praying "flyers" for breakthroughs in the heavenlies. We are honored to call this our home base and our primary ministry assignment. [for more]
We are also active on college and high school campuses in California and across the nation. Currently, we serve a family of prayer furnaces in California, along with helping establish prayer in other regions of America. Our roles include training, fathering/mothering, sustaining, and empowering young people. Our dream is to see "revival cores" in every campus and region of America unto the ends of the earth. [for more]
We believe that contending prayer will stir both domestic revival and a world wide missions movement. Therefore, launching an Ekballo movement to see missionaries sent to the ends of the earth, and to mobilize the prayer of Matthew 9:38. In particular, we hope to see contending intercession pave the way for apostolic church-planting in unreached places. Our prayer is to see the global ekklesia in glory, authority, and purity to usher in the King. Our desire is to stir missions interest for the unreached in the regions and campuses we visit.