Our Vision
The Lord spoke to raise up an air force that would win the war in the heavens. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers in heavenly places.
For three decades, Lou Engle and TheCall have pioneered the practical dynamics of revelation-fueled, sacrificial, consecrated prayer. In the process, TheCall has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands, shifting policies and powers in our nation. But the mission is larger. It is global. It scales as high as the Great Commission and runs as deep as the fame of Jesus. Our mission is to aid this great enterprise as we strategically deploy thunderous prayer into the hardest and darkest places of the earth.
Our mandate is to raise up national and global bases with intercessors who can challenge these spiritual forces of wickedness through prayer and fasting. History has shown how these ancient weapons have engaged the forces of heaven to dismantle strongholds, destroy ideologies, and shape history. May the Lord raise up a house to contend against every other house!
Our vision is to build up a Spiritual Air Force Academy of "Long Distance Flyers" - intercessors sent for the purpose of winning the war in the heavens at a moments notice. We seek to do this within the context of a healthy community, providing an Air Force Base of Operations at Mott Auditorium. These flyers will be situated in the context of 24/7 prayer. It is from this Tabernacle of David that they will be sent out to contend with the battles in the heavenlies.
Our goal is to raise up dozens of these companies ready to be flown out on heaven's assignments, in order to secure the heavenlies for the proclamation of the Gospel unto the ends of the earth. We are believing for a reformation in modern missions: to see contending intercession in prayer and fasting pave the way for domestic revival and foreign apostolic missions.
It is the Spiritual Air Force that comes and purges the skies before the ground troops, evangelists and apostolic church-planters, sweep the ground. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!
Get more information at www.thecall.com
Our Role
David and Audry currently serve with TheCall and the Spiritual Air Force Academy. Within TheCall, they serve Lou Engle and TheCall team in mobilization and as Youth & Young Adult Mobilization Directors for AzusaNOW. Within SAFA, they serve as assistant directors under Lou and Therese Engle, and Rod and Marion Hall. We are committed full-time to serving TheCall and establishing SAFA. This is our primary ministry assignment and not only our life dreams, but these fathers and mothers as well.
Our current Assignments
flight mvmt// safa
Currently, we are helping to lead the "spiritual airfare academy". We are believing for another wave of fasting and prayer for another Great Awakening. Our students receive training, ministry, discipleship, and are empowered to pray and become leaders in our generation.
Additionally, we are directing an initiative within TheCall called "FLIGHT MVMT", with vision to call the youth of America and the world to fasting and prayer, and establishing a contending prayer movement that will assist finishing the Task of the Great Commission. Our hope is to reach the youth of America through training, touring, mobilizing in different regions and campuses across the nation.
FLIGHT stands for "Fueling and Launching Intercession in this Generation through Hands-On Training"
"Flight" Schools of intercession
This past summer & year has been focused on hosting many powerful week long or weekend schools in California, the Pacific Northwest, Arizona, the Southeast, and Northeast. The vision of these schools is to directly immerse and train University students in Biblical and practical teaching in prayer and intercession for their campus, as well as release impartation. Through these schools we are able to regionally train up students in prayer and fasting. This next year, we are planning an additional 7-9 FLIGHT schools and FLIGHT weekends regionally across the nation to train up students in prayer and fasting!! Our vision is to raise up another generation of intercessors -that every city, region, and campus will have a "revival core" of intercession. Our hope is to see the contending DNA of TheCall spread once again.
On April 9 2016, the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival, we called forth a solemn assembly to gather, fast, and pray for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was a powerful time as tens of thousands gathered to contend for a great awakening in our day. We are believing for John 17 unity: for the "color line to be washed away by the Blood." Let us gather on this day to seek God for another Pentecost in our day! http://azusanow2016.com
TheCall is praying into seven more stadiums in different regions nationally within the next three years. We will be directly involved with the mobilization of the youth and leading stadium strikes and tours, leading up to each stadium.
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We invite you to partner with us as we pioneer the Spiritual Air Force Academy and missions base here in Pasadena, CA! As we are in the birthing stages of what we believe could be a global movement of contending prayer, we depend on financial supporters to partner together with us in advancing the Kingdom of God. Learn more about partnership on our page.
All financial gifts are tax deductible.