“The Great Commission will not be fulfilled with our spare time or our spare change. We must spare nothing for the cause of Christ.”
Join the story
We believe that our nation and the world is on the brink of another great awakening and missions movement that will be birthed in the place of prayer. For this to happen, God is calling the church to give, send, or go. Our mission has been funded by those who wholeheartedly believe and sow with us into the mission of Christ and the Kingdom of God. Will you give towards the mission of the Great Commission being fulfilled over all the earth? Click the button below to invest and give today towards the cause of starting something with the Youth of America that will change the destiny of the world. We thank you for joining our team, and joining His Story!
"holding the rope"
We wholeheartedly believe that the work of ministry living on missionary support would simply not be possible without our supporters. Partnership in prayer and in mobilization is essential, but we also depend on God through our financial supporters for provision. We extend our gratitude and honor to our current supporters, with whom we have journeyed together. Whether on the front lines or fueling in the work, the Lord's work is being accomplished. We invite you to partner with us financially in advancing the Kingdom!
kingdom partnership
Our hope is to partner, in every sense of the word. We value relationship above any type of monetary exchange, and our hope is to go forward as friends doing ministry together. Though it may seem that one party is doing the "Jesus work" and the other is "supporting"; it is our conviction that in Kingdom partnership, we are ministering together, though it may be differing roles in the Body. Your giving fuels and catalyzes the task at hand: two edges of the same sword.
join our story
We are so appreciative of all of our financial partners and those who have supported us over the years! Your support allows us to fully give ourselves to these tasks and goes towards basic living expenses such as rent, food, travel, and ministry expenses. We rely on monthly partners to fund our work in mission and prayer. We are currently in great need of financial support, especially monthly partners to continue the work for Christ we are doing. Would you prayerfully consider partnering financially with us to further the Kingdom of God on the campuses and in the nations?
In view of all these endeavors, please prayerfully consider joining our partnership team for the advancement of the Gospel of the glory of Christ!
If the Lord is impressing on your heart to sow in any amount, you can do so below. All financial gifts are tax deductible and use a 501c3 fundraising platform called ModernDay/DonorGive.
ONE-TIME giving
We value one-time giving and are particularly in need of one time gifts at this time. If you are looking to give a one-time, tax-deductible gift, please go to our fundraising platform here. Select Kim, David and Audry to donate to us. Thank you so much for sowing!
We are currently in great need of persons to partner with us monthly. We hope to establish a long-term relationship and partnership in the Gospel. Tax-deductible, recurring payments can be done through our fundraising platform (Modern Day, a 501c3) as well.
thank you!
Receive our partnership letter
We are working on getting fully funded & sending out partnership letters in the mail! If you would like to hear more about what we do, please send us your address HERE.